My drawings are meditations on the convergence of fantasy, theory, and the history of image making. My process centers around dissecting the picture plane into weird and faulty spaces and splicing it with repetitive patterning and fantastical imagery that derive from a childlike over-fascination with everyday objects. The resulting images are overstuffed, littered with tiny vignettes and instability. I approach my drawings (and their titles) as curious engagements with traditions of representing space, fairy tales, and various philosophical / spiritual understandings of human relationships with objects, materiality, and meaning. My intention is to playfully turn all of these traditions over, like big rocks, to poke at the slugs and mud hiding underneath them, and see how the alchemy of drawing might transform them.
The History Drawings interact to propose a narrative that borrows from the unique tendency of childhood to mix wonder and boredom. These drawings attempt to act as an archive of moveable and re-arrangeable parts that add up to an imagined and fluid history which allows at once for continuity and possibility.
The History Drawings interact to propose a narrative that borrows from the unique tendency of childhood to mix wonder and boredom. These drawings attempt to act as an archive of moveable and re-arrangeable parts that add up to an imagined and fluid history which allows at once for continuity and possibility.